about me

Hi! My name is Heron. I am an animator and illustrator with a Bachelor's of Media Arts degree from Emily Carr University of Art + Design.I'm a passionate storyteller for tragic, exciting narratives through storyboarding and animation. My bread and butter is in character acting!The majority of my current work consists of character-based digital illustrations and animation. I'm looking into broadening my skills at visual development, character and background design.When I'm not drawing, I like to play electric guitar, deco, and play with my dogs.My current dream project would be working on any creative stage for a slice of life cartoon, or animating and illustrating assets for point-and-click or slide-scroll horror games, but I'm happy with anything as long as I get to create! :^)

2D Animation

Thesis film
In Vain - Trailer

Junior film - Star Child

Demo reels
